ActiveLook Application Certification Plan

About ActiveLook

ActiveLook is a light, compact and long lasting head up display technology that integrates in cool looking eyewear.

Activelook also is an open platform and ecosystem of interoperable products (glasses) and services (applications, smart devices) that connect to these glasses.

Activelook therefore positions itself as an ‘Ingredient technology brand’, similar to ‘Bluetooth’, ‘Intel inside’ or ‘Goretex’. 

The current ActiveLook certification plan applies to ActiveLook compatible applications and services, whether running on smart phones, smart watches, bike computers, personal navigation devices or any other BLE enabled smart device.

Certification advantages

ActiveLook certification grants the following advantages:

  • The insurance that your application or service will actually work with any "Powered by ActiveLook" devices on the market, whatever the product brand.

  • The right to use the ‘Works with ActiveLook’ badge, promoting the compatibility of your app, service or device with ActiveLook technology.

  • The promotion of your ActiveLook application to the ActiveLook ecosystem & user base: featured application on webpage, newsletters and communication to various media.

Activelook may also facilitate partnerships with our eyewear brand partners deploying Activelook-compatible glasses and that could be interested in natively marketing your application along with their eyewear.

Certification requirements

The build up of a strong and valuable ecosystem of ActiveLook products and services requires the commitment of all involved parties on a set of guidelines and good practices ensuring a relevant and consistent interoperability of these products and services, and, eventually, the richest and most seamless user experience.

ActiveLook certification is provided under following conditions:

  • The  application or service follows the development guidelines and requirements.

  • The experience offered is the same whatever the Activelook device it connects to (no device filtering or hardware-conditionned featureset).

  • The application or service is marketed by respecting the ActiveLook branding guidelines.

  • The application or service brings value to the ActiveLook ecosystem.

Development good practices & requirements

Certification is provided given the good application of the development guidelines and requirements described in the ‘Getting started’ document available here.

It includes

  • Respecting good practices for UI development and glass management in terms of : readability, & fluidity, battery and internal memory management
  • Keeping your application up to date and anticipating compatibility with upcoming firmwares
  • Supporting the firmware upgrade scheme and anti-fragmentation policy.

ActiveLook Branding Guidelines

2 badges have been defined in order to highlight the compatibility of your application, product or service with ActiveLook powered glasses.

ActiveLook certification allows and requires the use of one of these badges on your communications related to your application or product : website, advertising, application store, product casing, point of sales.

Details are provided below.

logo for clear backgrounds
logo for dark backgrounds

On application store (Google Play Store / Apple Store)

The compatiblity badge shall be visible on the application stores, on the application dedicated page, in one at least of the 'sample screens' illustrating application features.

The badge shall use 80% of corresponding 'sample screen' width. An additional text may explicit what ActiveLook compatiblity is about.

in Application itself

It is recommanded to handle Glass connection and tunning in a specific application tab or menu. In the header section of the corresponding screen, the below "Activelook" logo shall appear, using 60% of the display width.

Activelook Logo

On the application or service web page

The compatiblity badge shall be visible on the home page of the product/service webpage.

Badge displayed size shall respect originial badge size (as provided/shown above).

On point of sales, physical advertising

(Applies to Activelook compatible devices: smart watches, personal computers etc.)

The compatibility badge shall be present on the visuals associated with the point of sales or physical advertising for the product. Badge size and positioning shall allow its instantaneous visibility from a customer passing by.

Product casing

(Applies to Activelook compatible devices: smart watches, personal computers etc.)

The badge shall be positioned on the 'front panel' of the product package. Its size shall allow its clear readability.

Licence agreement

Certification is provided upon signature of the Activelook License Agreement. It can be downloaded here.

Certification process

Once finalized and published on stores, submit your application as well as a signed copy of the Licence Agreement to the certification team on this email address :

ActiveLook team will review it and give feedback within 15 days on the fit of your app with the program. 

note: Do not hesitate to get in touch with the certification team ( upfront of your development to limit any risk of mismatch.

September 9, 2022

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